Unlocking the Power of an Abundance Mindset

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Now more than ever, the world aches for a paradigm shift that can unlock healing on the path to peace. So says activist Lynne Twist, whose call to action is a radical transformation from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance.

Twist is a bestselling author and an authoritative humanitarian voice on the world stage. She has worked exhaustively toward ending global hunger and supporting social justice and environmental sustainability. Twist has raised hundreds of millions of dollars as the chief fundraising officer for the Hunger Project; worked with Mother Teresa in Calcutta and at refugee camps in Ethiopia; and cofounded the Pachamama Alliance to empower indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest to preserve their lands and culture.

Named one of the Real Leaders 2023 Top 50 Keynote Speakers of the World, Twist has worked beside some of the most influential impact leaders in recent history, including Oprah Winfrey, the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and the late Buckminster Fuller. 

In a conversation with Real Leaders, Twist sheds light on how to pull the world out of crisis and into productivity by switching from scarcity to abundance. An abundance mindset is key to establishing peace around the world, as many of our human conflicts are rooted in the belief that someone has something we want or need to take. Here is an excerpt of her profound perspective:

“We live in a scarcity mindset. And it’s a mindset that is before thinking or before deliberation. In other words, it’s a place we’re looking from. We look out into the world. And what we see is there’s not enough time, there’s not enough money, there’s not enough love, there’s not enough sleep.

We are a ‘there’s not enough, get more’ culture. It’s everywhere. Every message is about ‘there’s not enough of — and why you need more of — everything.’ And it’s killing us. It’s having us live in a deficit relationship, not only with the world and each other, but a deficit relationship with ourselves.

So, it’s not just ‘there’s not enough, it’s not enough;’ it starts to be ‘I am not enough.’ And now, it’s a mental health crisis. It’s an obesity crisis. This ‘more is better,’ indiscriminate culture has created the climate crisis. I think it’s created our financial crises. It’s not that there aren’t places where people need more food or more water or more jobs. I know that very intimately. I’ve worked on that all my life. But the mindset that there is not enough is inaccurate.

The radical, surprising truth about life, about you, about me, is not only we are enough, we are sufficient. We have everything it takes to live a healthy and productive life. And the world has everything it needs to have everyone have a healthy and productive life.

If we live consistent with that, then we manage our resources, rather than consume them. We use them with reverence and respect, rather than destroy them… When you actually live that way, you start living a life of commitment, and service, and gratitude, and making a difference.

Watch Twist’s full conversation with Real Leaders here.

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