5 Steps to Become a Top 1% Leader

Here’s how I’ve successfully led teams all the way to 300+. You’ll be amazed at how simple it actually is if you follow these fundamentals.
1. Set a vision
You don’t need to be Steve Jobs, but you need a vision to lead. Start small — three years is fine. Create a one-sentence description of where you want the team to be in three years. Explain it to the team, and get their feedback and buy-in. Refine as needed.
2. Create annual goals
Seems obvious, right? But most teams have no idea what their annual goals are. Create three (max) goals, one sentence each, memorable and measurable. Explain the goals to the team, get their feedback and buy-in. Refine as needed.
3. Review goals together
Set up a recurring, one-on-one meeting with each person on your team. It can be weekly or biweekly. Start the meeting by reviewing the goals you both agreed on. If they’re behind, focus on ways you can help them catch up. If they’re on pace, focus on ways you can help them crush it even more.
4. Create individual goals
Now have every person on the team create individual goals. Their goals must align and support the team’s goals. Meet to discuss their goals and refine them together as needed. Make sure they’re not too easy or too hard. Come to a mutual agreement when they’re finalized.
5. Praise and celebrate
Create opportunities for mini-wins. Break annual goals into monthly and quarterly targets. When someone makes progress toward a goal, give them praise. Celebrate when someone hits a monthly or quarterly target. Celebrate harder when the team hits its annual goals.
Scot Chisholm founded software company Classy (acquired by GoFundMe), serving as CEO for over 10 years and leading it to 300+ people and billions in platform donations. More recently he founded Haskill Creek, a new spin on the traditional pharmacy. He coaches founders/CEOs, helping them transition to high-impact leaders.
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